Compliance Essentials

(4 courses, available only in English) 

Getting teams to concentrate on and engage with issues around compliance is tough. 

That’s why we often use a spoonful of humour to help the medicine go down. With these easy-to-swallow, humorous videos you can ensure your teams understand GDPR, bribery, cybersecurity and the implications of modern slavery for your organisation. 

The course is structured based on UK regulations 

#compliance #cybersecurity

  • Avoid the automatic ‘switch-off’ that the mention of compliance usually produces 
  • Ensure all employees stay awake long enough to be trained to one, unified standard 
  • Allow you to offer digital training to team members in remote locations 

You can learn the basics of compliance as a working adult through humorous videos that cover the following topics: 

  • Bribery Act 
  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) 
  • Modern slavery 
  • Cybersecurity 
  • New employee 
  • All employee